Saturday, January 31, 2015

How to treat a gigantic umbilical hernia in a kitten or puppy

The large umbilical swelling is an umbilical hernia since young. The muscles had split up more leading to a gigantic hernia. Below this swelling will be the internal organs including the intestines and stomach. The 4-week-old kitten recently has this umbilical defect opened up, exposing the omental fat.
Gas anaesthesia is used. The two muscle layers have had retracted to the far ends of the flanks.
The vet with no exposure to such cases, on opening up the hernia, will not see any muscle hlayers but the big hole with full view of the spleen, liver, stomach and intestines. He or she may deduce that there is a congenital defect in that the kitten or puppy had been born with no abdominal muscles, hence the big hole and may proceed to sew up the skin incision. This will not be the correct method of treatment.
The vet will need to make a longer incision towards the pelvi inlet. There he or she will see the muscles from the sides lateral to the pelvic inlet.
Then, the two ends are stitched up. More muscles will be seen and pulled together to be stitched.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

How to produce a veterinary educational video

Jan 13, 2015

1. Concept (idea, premise, genre - fiction or non fiction)
2. Character (hero, antagonist)
3. Theme (how it relates to real life, how it makes the readers feel).
4. Structure (plot, tension, resolution, story architecture).

5. Scene execution (each scene is a short story).
6. Writing voice (eloquent, humourous, sarcastic etc).

Attraction - hook

QUALITY CONTENT IS IMPORTANT more important than no. of pages. This is based on the title which promises the reader. Over deliver on this promise.

Where to get content? Your blog, video interviews, etc
Script out an audio by transcribing

7. Tips. Health care of red-eared slider and star tortoises

  • Eye infections: The eyes are closed and eyelids are swollen and puffed up. Usually a bacterial infection or lack of Vit A .

    Consult your vet as early it needs a topical antibiotic. You need to upgrade the tank's filtration system to increase to double the rate of water changes or change water more frequently.
  • Soft shell:  Your turtle's shell is soft. Most apartment owners in Singapore do not provide regular sunlight for basking or the UVA-UVB fluroescent light bulbs above the tank to enable the turtle to synethesize Vit D3 to absorb calcium from the diet. Sometimes, the bulbs are located far away or hidden by the tank glass. Light bulbs to be changed 6-monthly. Hatchlings will need caclium and Vit D3 supplements if the commercial turtle pellets are not of good quality.

    Red-eared sliders are omnivorous and in captivity, a good commercial pellet diet supplemented by meal worms, freeze-dried shrimps, small fishes and other water plants add var

    In some cases, the turtle's basking dock (area) may be too small or the water may be too deep. Sometimes, the turtle is too weak to climb onto the dock. Contact your vet. the turtle has metabolic bone disease.
  • Furry mouth and refusal to eat: Check the mouth for tongue ulcers and white plaques. Your turtle has a bacterial infection in the mouth. Consult your vet for an antibiotic treatment. Red-eared sliders are omnivorous (vegetables and meat) but star tortoises are herbivorus (coarse grass are best, with lesser vegetables and fruits which may cause diarrhoea). Red-eared sliders are semi-aquatic and need a basking area with a heater lamp to dry out. Star tortoises are terrestrial and a shallow dish of water will be all right with sometimes soaking in shallow waters esp. for juveniles. In any case, Vit D3 and calcium supplements may be needed if there is no natural sunlight or UVA-UVB lights.

    As a guide for the aquarium tank, red-eared sliders need 10 gallons of water for one inch of carapace length. A basking dock below the basking lamp (UVA-UVB rays) and good filtration system is advised. They are messy eaters and produce a lot of waste. Water need to be changed daily if they are kept in smaller tanks or tubs.  Feed in tanks separate from sleeping tank to keep the water clean as they can then mess up the feeding tanks.
  • Gasping for breath, wheezing, and breathing fast: This may be a respiratory infection, such as pneumonia. Immediately take your turtle to the vet and increase the tank temperature (ideally 24 C to 32 C or 75F to 90F). Expose your turtle to natural sunlight for half an hour daily to boost his immune system and aid digestion.
  • Wounds: Terrapins may fight when housed together or introduced to another tank. Sharp objects inside the tank. Bitten by dogs when outside the tank. Remove the cause, treat the wound with antispetic and keep it clean. See your vet for more advice.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Info on e-book publishing on kindle and print on demand from amazon

1. Jan 11, 2015
1.  The
Tips for publishing on the Kindle including using freelancers for formatting, categories on Amazon, optimizing your book cover for Kindle browsing, sampling and the importance of hooking the reader in the first few pages or chapters and using targeted advertising (e.g. Kindle Nation, Facebook advertising). Book title is important. Cover s.b. thumb-nail size.

My recommendation Go ebook first and then do print once your book and brand have 'settled down'. Give it at least 6 months so you can see whether you are making enough in sales. Use print-on-demand through or This is when books are printed and shipped to the customer when they are ordered, and you don't need to buy a huge batch upfront. Printing thousands of books upfront is one of the top mistakes of indie authors. Don't do it unless you are a speaker or have an existing distribution method. Use professionals for interior and cover design. I recommend Joel at, Derek Murphy of CreativeIndie and JDSmith Design.

2. TIPS. If you are publishing through createspace, make sure you get your own ISBN number and not the one provided by createspace, so that you have the option to sell your print books elsewhere. I personally publish in both createspace and LSI (lightning source). Another thing I would recommend is have the book cover designer put the price code at the back of your book cover instead of the standard 90000 , this is required for bookstores.

Feb 24, 2015


1. Set your goals
2. High quality books
3. Outsource  fiverr, elance, odesk for book cover, writing etc.

Critique on "Become Rich, Make Money Now."

1. Book cover  5/10. Use better book cover designer.
2. Title. 
Keyword strategy to rate high.
Optimise keywords. "Become Rich" - no searches. "Make Money" or "Money" better.
    Subtitle. Need more keywords in subtitle. If it is a SERIES, MUCH BETTER

eg. The Paperless Lifestyle - Do the impossible. Go completely paperless to revolutinoise your productivity, life  hacking  Evernote  paperless office organisation (Kindle edition).

3. Description. Keyword optimised. Repeat your title.
4. TOC. Dull and basic e.g. "Focus" as one chapter.   
Call to action. Appeal to Amazon's search algorithimns

5. No famous book or person must be used as reference

6. Author's profile. Go to Takes 20 min to do.

He uses 3 point lighting to produce better videos of himself. A eader - Canon DSLR (5D)

He uses sort "high rating" and check "pro ebook cover".
$10/100 words  or $10/book by ghost writers.

Important tomake book part of a series.

Check Jim Ferris books to write a good TOC